Monday, April 19, 2010

Superfly (Haiku dedicated to Curtis Mayfield)

Out of the scores of musicians that have blessed the artform I feel that there are few less appreciated than Curtis Mayfield (RIP). He didn't win an Oscar for a movie score like Isaac Hayes (RIP). Rarely did he win Grammys. He wasn't a sex symbol like Marvin Gaye (RIP). His voice wasn't deep like Barry White nor did he receive the acclaim as a producer/instrumentalist like Stevie Wonder. Yet his importance in music & the African-American experience (period......especially in the 70s) is immeasurable. He is more than worthy of a dedication poem:

He was considered
The master storyteller
Of my parents' time!

Rock his music people!

-Muhammad the Harlem Sk8rboi


  1. Cool man. This is nice. I was actually listening to some Curtis Mayfield one day last week for some reason. But you know, some of the best artists of all time never got the accolades they deserved. Even the most praised artists we speak of today.

  2. I listen to him close to everyday & after my father first introduced me to his music as a child I love it even more. You're totally right about certain greats not receiving the proper awards, but Mr. Mayfield was overlooked way too often despite his obvious greatness.
