Monday, March 8, 2010

The Little Things (India Arie was right)

Greetings to everybody who really cares or was board enough to stop by! This is the opening blog of my new page here on! I'm really excited about this page as if I'm expecting a newborn child (which I'm not). Maybe it's because I haven't been blogging regularly for about 18 months or so & I suddenly found the time to do so. It my just be that I've had too much Red Bull as well. Nix that thought because Red Bull tastes like liquid ear wax with red 40 food coloring. lol Let's get started.
Until today I had been locked out of my apartment since Thursday. I have no one to thank but myself because I lost my house keys. From Thursday up until today I was basically living like a homeless man. I wore the same clothes everyday. I slept somewhere other than home every night. I washed up in someone else's bathroom. I wandered around often & sometimes aimlessly. Lastly I began to look disheveled all around. My beard was scruffy (like always). My clothes weren't pressed. My coat had lint all over. Even my mouth became putrid like the Hudson River. In this state I was feeling lower than the dog poop. Suddenly while I was laying down outside my locked apartment I realized something.
Just a week ago I was contemplating what I should do with my tax return. I was thinking of buying a designer watch, maybe some more designer shades, and maybe even some more kicks to add to the reservoir I have in my room. As I was contemplating what to buy, I threw a tantrum because my anticipated return wouldn't buy me as much as I wanted for myself. Then a week later I was spread eagle laying out on hardly mopped project housing floors. Reality just bitch slapped me & made me realize something that's always in my subconscious but may at times escape my immediate conscious:

I'm just as broke as a homeless person. The only difference is I have a roof over my head. So every last one of us BETTER be grateful for the LITTLE THINGS in life that give us so much joy. That was just an appetizer! Until the entree comes I'll be riding sideways on my skateboard. PEACE!


  1. Sometimes it takes something like that to humble a person. Though you were temporarily "homeless", it gave you some insight. We spend too much on material things instead of saving on a rainy day.

  2. Luckily it was a temporary situation MzVirgo b/c living that life isn't easy. I think that I'll need to start thinking more about the future & less about hear and now.
